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45% ABV, 750 ml
Génépy (sometimes spelled Génépi) is a legendary alpine
herbal liqueur that dates back many hundreds of years.
While comprised of a multitude of alpine herbs, the
most prominent is Génépy, a petite variety of artemesia
(often translated into English as “mountain sage”) found
principally in the high mountains of the Savoy. Its bright
herbal and fresh flavors have long been associated with
the mountain air and adventure. Today it is still the
darling of French ski resorts and fine dining, served on
the rocks or with tonic water, and very welcome after a
fondue. Using its own alembic still, Dolin has made this
Génépy from local farmers’ herbs since 1821.
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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