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750 ml, 23% ABV
"Amaro Montenegro is made with 40 botanicals using three processes: boiling, maceration, and distillation. Some of these botanicals include: sweet & bitter oranges, petite dried oranges, coriander seeds, marjoram, oregano, artemista blend, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. After this process, 12 mother extracts are crafted. From there, the 12 extracts are blended to form "six aromatic notes" which are blended with alcohol, sugar, and water. Lastly, a seventh ingredient called the "premio" or "prize" is crafted from 5 botanicals which are micro-distilled. One liter of "premio" is used per 15,000 bottles. Amaro Montenegro was created by Stanislao Cobianchi who had traveled the world rather than follow his family's desire for him to join the clergy. He founded his company in 1885 and named it after Princess Elena of Montenegro who went on to become Queen of Italy in 1900." The Distiller, 96 Points
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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