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    Blackwell's Buffalo Trace and Sazerac Collection

    Pickup available at San Francisco

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    1 X Bottle Sazerac Rye Whiskey

    45% ABV, 750 ml

    Produced and distilled by Buffalo Trace

    "The One and Only New Orleans Original. Sazerac Rye Whiskey symbolizes the tradition and history of New Orleans. Rye Whiskey that dates back to the 1800’s, around the time when saloons, veiled as Coffee Houses, began lining the streets of New Orleans. It was at the Sazerac Coffee House on Royal Street where local patrons were served toddies made with Rye Whiskey and Peychaud’s Bitters. The libation became known as the “Sazerac” and America’s first branded cocktail was born. This is the whiskey that started it all."

    1 X Bottle Buffalo Trace Bourbon Whiskey

    45% ABV, 750 ml

    This is the one they named the distillery after!

    "Sunny sawdust, spicy buttered caramel, and a hint of deep raisin come to mind when merely nosing the glass. Entreating a sip of this well-loved bourbon brings a resplendent spiciness of the rye component forward with bites of clove and nutmeg that are quickly followed by softening elements of sweet corn, vanilla wafer and a touch of bitter cocoa nib." 93 Points, Excellent, Highly Recommended 2019 Ultimate Spirits Challenge

    Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.

    21 and Over: Adult Signature Required

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