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    Blackwell's Four Roses 3 Bottle Collection

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    1 X Bottle Four Roses Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey

    50% ABV (100 Proof ), 750 ml

    Four Roses Single Barrel Bourbon offers a flavor profile of delicate fruit with notes of pear and apricot amidst a creamy, spicy backbone, "a taste you’ll want to savor again and again. Complex, full bodied and surprisingly smooth with a delicate long finish that’s unbelievably mellow. Drink straight up or on the rocks." 100 proof. 50% alcohol/volume.

    1 X Bottle Four Roses Single Barrel Recipe OBSF Bourbon Whiskey

    50% ABV (100 Proof), 750 ml

    Four Roses Single Barrel OBSF Bourbon Whiskey is a premium expression from Four Roses, known for its unique approach to bourbon production. The brand uses 10 distinct recipes, combining two mash bills with five proprietary yeast strains. The OBSF recipe is one of these distinctive combinations, celebrated for its bold flavor profile and complexity.

    Recipe: OBSF
    O: Four Roses designation for straight bourbon.
    B: Mash bill with 60% corn, 35% rye, and 5% malted barley.
    S: Denotes straight whiskey.
    F: Yeast strain that imparts herbal notes with a hint of mint and floral undertones.

    1 X Bottle Four Roses Single Barrel Recipe OESK Bourbon Whiskey

    50% ABV (100 Proof), 750 ml

    Four Roses Single Barrel OESK Bourbon Whiskey is another standout recipe from Four Roses' unique portfolio of 10 distinct bourbon recipes. Known for its bold and balanced profile, the OESK recipe delivers a rich combination of sweet, spicy, and oaky flavors, making it a favorite among bourbon aficionados.

    Recipe: OESK
    O: Four Roses designation for straight bourbon.
    E: Mash bill with 75% corn, 20% rye, and 5% malted barley (a sweeter, softer mash bill).
    S: Denotes straight whiskey.
    K: Yeast strain that emphasizes spicy and bold flavors, particularly clove and baking spices.

    Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.

    21 and Over: Adult Signature Required

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