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21% ABV, 1000 ml
In 1875, the botanist Dottore Francesco Peloni developed in the mountain region Bormio, Lombardy the original recipe for the Amaro Braulio. The ingredients for the use of this unique Amaro are exclusively fresh herbs and spring water from the mountain region Valtellina. The herbs are dried at the fresh mountain air and then fermented with spring water and alcohol a month. The hand-made high-quality product gets, additionally, maturation for 2 years in oak barrels - the only Amaro in the word to do so.
Infusion of herbs and aromatic plants, using the ancient secret recipe. Only four, among the thirteen herbs used in its preparation are known: gentian, juniper, wormwood, and yarrow. The rest are kept secret, passed from one generation to the next.
The hydroalcoholic infusion is broken up from the herbs for broaching process, following by centrifugation. The lot of Amaro Braulio obtained is poured in barrels or oak vats of Salvonia and aged for two years.
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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