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52.4% ABV, 700ml
The 49-year-old limited edition expression is the penultimate opportunity for whiskey lovers to experience the Silent Distillery collection crafted from the old Midleton Distillery.
The Cask, The Whiskey, The Coming Together
The Old Midleton Distillery fell silent many years ago, but its spirit survives. It endures in the hearts and minds of the people who work there. It lives on in the cobbled yards, in the old buildings, the original pot stills and aged oak casks. Casks like the one our Master Distiller, Kevin O’Gorman, selected to marry the distillates that for almost half a century have been maturing to perfection, undisturbed in a quiet corner of the old distillery.
Originally distilled by Max Crockett, then watched over by his successors – first by his son, Barry, then by Brian Nation and finally by Kevin O’Gorman – this notable liquid demanded a final nurturing in an equally notable cask. Trusted with its selection, O’Gorman chose an ex-bourbon cask originally imported from the United States. Made from American oak, it was repaired by Ger Buckley’s father in the mid-1970s and to his day proudly bears the Buckley mark. A true testament to the cooper’s skill, through rain and shine it’s stood the test of time, not leaking ones in 50 years.
So it is that the coming together of wood, whiskey and masters of their craft creates Midleton Very Rare Silent Distillery Chapter 5, an Irish Whiskey as unique as it is special.
Collections: All Collectible Whisk(e)y Irish Whiskey Midleton House Spirits Whiskey
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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