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22% ABV, 750 ml
With violet color reminiscent of a full moon reflected on a river in the twilight, The Bitter Truth Violet Liqueur humbly honors its name. It’s deep, purple, romantic haze pre-empts the unique flavor of this fragile flower. Like poetry, aromas whisper sexy sweet nothings of light subtle perfume onto your breath and finish with a dusting of icing sugar. A natural seducer, whose intense southern French flavor is both sensitive and balanced enough to elevate your Aviation to the heavens.
The Bitter Truth Violet Liqueur is made from wild violet blossoms that grow in the Alps which are then added to the finest neutral spirit. It captures the delicate and elegant flavors of this fragile flower in a very impressive way. This authentic violet liqueur makes it possible to mix classic cocktails like The Aviation and The Blue Moon true to the original recipe, as well as modern cocktails such as the Violette Fizz.
Tasting Notes:
Slightly sweet and very flowery. The violet aroma is very subdued and natural.
Product Information:
750ml, 22% Alcohol by Volume
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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